Modern American Spiritualism Publishing
Cora L.V.Richmond Books
What is Spiritualism?
Spiritualism is the science, philosophy, and religion of continuous life based upon the demonstrated fact of communication by means of mediumship with those who live in the spirit world.
Spiritualist is one who believes, as part of his or her religion, in communication between this and the spirit world by means of mediumship, and who endeavors to mold his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communion.
Medium is one whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world, and through whose instrumentality, intelligence in that world are able to convey messages and produce the phenomena of Spiritualism.
Spiritual Healer is one who is able to impart vital, curative force to pathologic conditions through inherent power or through mediumship.

Cora L.V. Richmond,
Spirit Art by Precipitation Medium,
Rev. Hoyt Z. Robinette, 2010
Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond
April 21, 1840 – January 3, 1923
Variously known as Miss Cora Scott, and Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappan.
She was one of the most famous inspirational speakers and healer in American History.
If you can imagine the picture,— a young woman of 17 years of age standing before crowds of people, discoursing to them upon questions in ethics, philosophy, science and theology, in a scholarly, dignified manner! What did it all mean? This was the question asked by the multitudes who listened to her, and to which the more thoughtful among them could find but one solution — it meant that the spirits of the departed had the power to return to earth, and through trance mediumship, could speak through the organism of Cora for the purpose of giving their testimony to prove that death was but the gateway to life immortal.
As an author she was prolific and popular.
Of her excursions into the spiritual world in trance she brought back recollections of an absorbing interest. They are told in her book, My Experiments out of the Body and my return after several days.
The Soul and Human Embodiments is also one of her most important books. Also, her book Psychopathy or Spirit Healing teaches about the magnetic and electrical systems of the human body.
Books and Topics
By Cora L.V. Richmond Include:

* Spiritual Spheres
* The Symbol Series of Lectues
* Is Materialization True?
* Experiences of Judge J.W. dmonds, In Spirit Life
* Psychopathy or Spirit Healing

* My Experiences While Out of My Body
* The Soul in Human Embodiments
* A Discourse on the Immutable Decrees of God
LOVE is the highest standard by which everything is to be measured, determined, built and understood...
Cora L.V. Richmond
Agawam, Massachusetts - pmaspub@gmail.com - (413) 374 -1744